Click on the image to see a larger version.
(15K Bytes)These
are the tracks left by the combo skis from my last dock start of 1996.
(51K Bytes)Colin
Ellis soars. 1996 photo provided by David Ellis.
(36K Bytes)Colin
Ellis getting some upside down air on a trick ski at the
Ontario Championships. Photo by Paul Jurbala.
(78K Bytes)Pan Am Games 1996 Champions. (Canada) Photo provided by Vern Oberg.
Bottom row, L to R
Jim Clunie, Clint Baikie, Ashley Mutcher, Corey Andrew, Ashley Kendel
Second row, L to R
Jaret Llewellyn, Joel McClintock, Kreg Llewellyn, Sabrina Dobel, Ryan Peskett,
Marie Helen Lanthier, Jose Lanthier, Judy Messer
Top Row, L to R
Doug Ross, Jeff McClintock, Mike Ferraro, Vern Oberg, Steve Bush, Peter Person,
Brian Walker, Holly Eburne, Susi Graham, Ross Outerbridge.
(57K Bytes) Glen Bowker likes to relax with his paper and a cup of coffee!
(37K Bytes) Jeff Rickard seems to be mixing up which are hands and which are feet!
(36K Bytes) Jim CLunie 4th place in Jump, 192 feet, 1996 US Masters. (photo by Vern Oberg)
(9K Bytes) Jeremy Kovak set a new world record in wakeboard, 1996 US Masters. (photo by Vern Oberg)
(41K Bytes) Jaret Lewelleyn in slalom at the 1996 US Masters. (photo by Vern Oberg)
(41K Bytes) Judy Messer 2nd place in Tricks, 1996 US Masters. (photo by Vern Oberg)
(67K Bytes) Susi Graham 2nd place Slalom, 1996 US Masters. (photo by Vern Oberg)
(32K Bytes) Hugh Marshal is a good friend of mine. He skis much better than this picture would lead you to believe, it just seems nobody takes any good pictures of him skiing.
(45K Bytes) Hugh Marshal again, this time back footin on the boom. As I understand it, the great big silly grin he has on his face is from successfully back footing. Also as I understand it, this grin got wiped off his face about 2 nanoseconds later as he bought the farm. Thats the problem with still photos!
(110K Bytes) Terry Jones Barefooting on a boom. (1994) Photo by Cheryl Ziegler. Its only fair I get my own pic on my own WWW page?
(219K Bytes) This is 16 yr. old Becky Bartlett, of Wolfeboro, NH.
Becky competes in the Eastern Region and has skied in the Regionals and
Nationals for a number of years.
(98K Bytes) This is a "Where is it?" picture for everyone.
(The background is Alta, Utah....the lake is Lebanon, NH).
(132K Bytes) This is the first of 2 shots of Keith St. Onge barefooting.
Keith lives in
Berlin, NH, and is nationally ranked in the top 5. He foots in the Open
division against Scarpa, Bowers, Seipel and company, and does very well.
(287K Bytes) Here is the 2nd picture of Keith foot'n,
as he starts a slalom cut.
(Note the ugly Ski Brendella barefootr wake)
This photo was taken about a year ago, when Jamie Beauchesene (pronounce
Bo-shane) was 16.(116K)
He skied in the Junior worlds in Mexico, beating Benny Lohr
to be given the Jr. World Slalom title.
As you will see in the picture, Jamie knows how to get the job done. I have personally been in the tow boat at a Class C tournament and watched in *awe* as Jamie ran a complete pass at 38 off, and then 1 1/2 at -39.5. Simply unbelieveable. Peter.
(13K Bytes) Wakeboarder Dave Gray with a beautiful sunset backdrop. Nice air!
(12K Bytes) Paul Robbins running 38 off at Bond Lake north of Toronto.
(18K Bytes) Dave Gray running early through the Bond Lake slalom course.
(18K Bytes) Terry Samuels out the front door. That about covers it!
(20K Bytes) Just call me zipperhead!
Forehead meet ski, forehead meet suture...
It happens. Be prepared for accidents.
Make sure your spotters PAY ATTENTION.
Make sure your skiers SIGNAL after they fall.
Make sure your spotters TELL YOU the skier signalled or didn't signal.
Don't get too relaxed about it just because you have been
skiing with the same people for N years and nothing ever happens.
Make sure you will get another N years with them! Play safe.
(45K Bytes) Boat Crew
photo from Jim Dibella.
(45K Bytes) Cutting to the jump
photo from Jim Dibella.
(31K Bytes) Ariel view of Jump
photo from Jim Dibella.
(58K Bytes) In the pull stage
photo from Jim Dibella.
(37K Bytes) And another pulling hard
photo from Jim Dibella.
(57K Bytes) Nice turn
photo from Jim Dibella.
(47K Bytes) Slam dunk
photo from Jim Dibella.
(34K Bytes) Another long shot
photo from Jim Dibella.
(43K Bytes) Good closeup
photo from Jim Dibella.
(36K Bytes) An all to familiar
photo from Jim Dibella.
(36K Bytes) Barry Lawrence carving a pretty decent turn!
He says he is "just a recreational skier". Looks better than that to me.
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(15K Bytes) Yves Vallee backwards footin!
(39K Bytes) Yves Vallee one footin it!